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We succeed because of the generous support of our donors.  We honor and respect your commitment to our cause.

We invite you to join us for our Black and White Gala Dinner.  The event will have a DJ, Raffle Prizes and a Silent Auction.  To purchase tickets, you may choose one of the following options:

Venmo $75 
per ticket to APOL Fundraising (@apolfund) or scan the image below.  Please include "Black and White Gala" in the description of the transaction.

Click on the flyer below to be redirected to
(There is a $6.88 service fee) bringing the cost to $81.88 per ticket)


Send a $75 per ticket check to:
A Place of Learning
PO Box 1043
Brentwood, CA 94513
(Write "Black and White Gala" in the notes section of the check)

We look forward to seeing you and are grateful for your support!
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